January 19, 2025, VAIBC Children’s Cell Newsletter
Dear Parents,
This week, we have the opportunity to explore the teachings of “The People Doubted” (Numbers 13–14).
Moses sent 12 men to explore the Promised Land. Though the land was good, ten spies doubted God’s promise, fearing the strength of its people. Joshua and Caleb trusted God and encouraged the Israelites to have faith, reminding them that God was with them. Sadly, the people doubted and rebelled, leading to consequences. Joshua and Caleb, however, were blessed for their faith. This lesson points us to trust God’s promises, especially His promise of salvation through Jesus.
This message will inspire your child to grow in the love and light of Jesus. Reinforce the lesson at home by discussing the following points with your child:
- Trusting God’s Promises: Joshua and Caleb believed God would fulfill His promise. How can we trust God in our lives?
- Overcoming Fear with Faith: The people were scared, but God was with them. How does knowing God is with us help us be brave?
- God Rewards Faith: Caleb and Joshua entered the Promised Land because of their trust. How does faith in Jesus bless us?
You might consider praying with your child, thanking God for His promises and asking Him to help you trust in His perfect plan.
Grace and blessings in Christ.