March 16, 2025, VAIBC Children’s Cell Newsletter
Dear Parents,
This week, we have the opportunity to explore the teachings of “Deborah Led Israel” (Judges 4-5).
Because of their disobedience, the Israelites were oppressed by King Jabin for 20 years. When they cried out to God, He sent Deborah, a prophetess and judge, to lead them. She called Barak to battle, but because he hesitated, God gave the victory to a woman, Jael, instead. After their success, Deborah and Barak praised God in song. This story reminds us that God is always in control and that Jesus is the ultimate victorious leader over sin and death.
This message will inspire your child to grow in the love and light of Jesus. Reinforce the lesson at home by discussing the following points with your child:
- God Uses People for His Plans: God chose Deborah to lead. How can we trust that God has a plan for us too?
- Obeying God with Courage: Barak hesitated, but Deborah trusted God. How can we obey God even when we feel afraid?
- Jesus is Our Victorious Leader: God gave Israel victory, and Jesus gives us victory over sin. How does trusting Jesus change our lives?
You might consider praying with your child, thanking God for His leadership and asking Him to help you trust and obey Him every day.
Grace and blessings in Christ.