December 29, 2024, VAIBC Children’s Cell Newsletter
Dear Parents,
This week, we’ll learn about “The Ten Commandments” (Exodus 19-20; 31).
Three months after leaving Egypt, the Israelites came to Mount Sinai, where God gave Moses His commandments. These ten rules taught the Israelites how to honor God and live rightly with one another. God also reminded them that they were His special people. While no one can perfectly follow God’s commandments, Jesus lived a perfect life for us, dying and rising again to offer forgiveness for our sins. Through Jesus, we can live in relationship with God.
I hope this message will inspire your child to grow in the love and light of Jesus. To help reinforce the lesson at home, please discuss the following points with your child:
• God’s Rules for Life: Share how the Ten Commandments guide us to honor God and love others in our daily lives.
• Our Need for Jesus: Explain that because we all sin, we need Jesus, who kept the commandments perfectly and offers us forgiveness.
• Living as God’s Special People: Talk about how obeying God shows our love for Him and how He helps us follow Him.
Pray with your child, thanking God for His commandments and for Jesus, who forgives us and helps us live for Him.