August 25, 2024, VAIBC Children’s Cell Newsletter

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August 25, 2024, VAIBC Children’s Cell Newsletter

Dear Parents,

This week, we’ll learn about The First Family” (Genesis 4). After leaving Eden, Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain grew crops, while Abel was a shepherd. When God accepted Abel’s offering but not Cain’s, Cain became furious. D

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espite God’s warning, Cain killed Abel. As punishment, Cain was cursed to wander the earth, but God showed mercy by marking him for protection. Adam and Eve later had another son, Seth. People continued to wait for God’s promised Savior, who would come to defeat sin and death.

I hope this message will inspire your child to grow in the love and light of Jesus. To help reinforce the lesson at home, please discuss the following points with your child:

  • Cain and Abel’s Offerings: Discuss why God accepted Abel’s offering and how Cain responded when his was not accepted.
  • Consequences of Sin: Explain how sin led to Cain’s actions and the consequences he faced, but also how God showed mercy.
  • God’s Promise: Talk about how God’s promise of a Savior from Eve’s descendants points to Jesus, who came to save us from sin.

Pray with your child, asking God for a heart that does what is right and thanking Him for sending Jesus to save us.

Grace and blessings in Christ,

Danny Sungshin Park
Pastor of Children’s Cell