June 9, 2024, VAIBC Children’s Cell Newsletter
Dear Parents,
This week, we’ll learn about: “Paul Returned to Jerusalem” (Acts 21-22). We will be exploring Acts 21 and 22, focusing on Paul’s journey to Jerusalem despite warnings of danger. Paul is warned by the Holy Spirit and fellow believers about the dangers awaiting him, but he chooses to proceed, showing his deep trust in Jesus and commitment to spreading the gospel. His response to the warnings and his defense before the mob highlight his readiness to sacrifice everything for Jesus.
I hope this message will inspire your child to grow in the love and light of Jesus. To help reinforce the lesson at home, please discuss the following points with your child:
- Paul’s Faith and Courage: Ask your child how Paul showed faith and courage in the face of danger. Discuss why Paul was willing to risk so much for Jesus.
- Trusting in God’s Plan: Talk about the importance of trusting God’s plan, even when it involves difficulties. Encourage your child to share any situations where they need to trust God more.
- Sharing the Gospel: Emphasize Paul’s commitment to proclaiming Jesus to others, even in difficult circumstances. Discuss ways your child can share their faith and the love of Jesus with friends and family.
Pray with your child, thanking God for His care for us and asking Him to help us share the good news.
Grace and blessings in Christ,
Danny Sungshin Park, Pastor of Children’s Cell