December 3, 2023, VAIBC Children’s Cell Newsletter
Dear Parents,
This week, we’ll learn about “Jesus Gave His Followers a Mission”(Acts 1). In our Bible story, Jesus gave His disciples important instructions to follow before He went back to heaven. Additionally, Jesus promised His disciples He would not leave them alone. He said the Holy Spirit would come to be with them and help them complete the mission He gave them.
Review the gospel and encourage your child to speak with you if they have questions. Remind your child that Jesus told the disciples that they will be His witnesses. Share how being a witness for Jesus means that we tell others what we know to be true about Him. Tell your child that as we serve others, we can share the gospel in both word and deed. Discuss how we can witness confidently, knowing the Holy Spirit is with us and will help us. Then pray, asking God to help us follow Him in obedience, going and telling others the good news.
Grace and blessings in Christ,
Danny Sungshin Park, Pastor of Children’s Cell